Here’s why leadership should care about company fonts.
You’ve been there before: there’s a new tool or system that could be useful for your organization or company, and now it’s up to you, and the rest of the leadership team, to decide whether it’s worth it.
How to find a legible font.
Legibility is a crucial consideration when trying to choose a font for your project. Here’s how to find a legible font that will be easy on the eyes for your readers and customers.
Why Monotype Fonts makes financial sense for creative teams.
Depending on how you currently manage your fonts, paying for a Monotype Fonts subscription can be an upfront investment that provides a substantial return. But as with anything that requires a yearly fee, it’s natural to wonder whether spending money on a font management tool makes financial sense to your creative team.
How a Monotype subscription minimizes font-related security threats.
Creatives often search far and wide to find the perfect fonts. With the added pressure of finding high-quality fonts at a bargain (or for free), creatives can unknowingly introduce vulnerabilities to your network. Fonts are, after all, software, and like all software, they can be used for malicious purposes.
4 ways creative teams can partner with Monotype Fonts.
Need help executing your creative typographic vision? The Monotype Fonts support team can help. Find out how.
How typography can make your brand feel more human.
It’s more important than ever to bring a sense of humanity and authenticity to your messaging. And if your type is the voice of your brand, then it’s doubly important to make sure it’s saying the right things.
Stay on top of your game with on-demand education through a partnership with Monotype.
Agency creatives understand the integral role fonts play in communicating a brand’s message through multiple touchpoints, but using fonts in a modern landscape requires licensing and intellectual property experts. To get ahead of the game, creatives need to learn how to use fonts to their advantage in a way that allows their clients’ brands to not only stand out, but adapt to new technologies and expanding consumer needs.
Partnering for success: The transformative power of Monotype's best-in-class support.
Agency creatives understand the integral role fonts play in communicating a brand’s message through multiple touchpoints, but using fonts in a modern landscape requires licensing and intellectual property experts. To get ahead of the game, creatives need to learn how to use fonts to their advantage in a way that allows their clients’ brands to not only stand out, but adapt to new technologies and expanding consumer needs.
How to update your font library instantly.
Many people think of fonts as static design elements, but in reality they are software files that regularly receive updates: anything from fixes, to expansions, or improvements, generally anything that often benefits the user in the long run.
Guide to licensing and subscription.
There’s a Monotype Fonts plan for everyone — from individual freelancers to small and mid-sized teams, up to global enterprise organization.
Collaboration above all: How Monotype Fonts makes it easy for agencies.
Collaboration above all: How Monotype Fonts makes it easy for agencies.
Dear agencies: Stop buying fonts, ok?
Run an agency, or maybe you’re the head of production at one? Then you may or may not know about this major time- and money-saver when it comes to buying fonts, which is this: you don’t need to buy or license them, ever. Read that again in case you need to.
Agencies: Here’s how to handle multiple clients’ font design needs.
Picture it: Your agency is the talk of the town. You’ve acquired multiple clients, with new ones ready to sign on soon. Exciting opportunities are on the horizon. Account managers are thrilled. Leadership is thrilled. The creative team is also thrilled… but will onboarding a new client be the last, stress-inducing straw for your design team?
Monotype Fonts FAQ for creatives.
Monotype Fonts is designed to eliminate a lot of the complications creatives often face when working with type. How can it simplify your creative team’s workflow? How many fonts come with a Monotype Fonts subscription? Which fonts will you have access to, and for which projects can you use them?
What designers should know about font libraries.
When it comes to choosing a font to represent your brand can be a daunting task — especially when you’re trying to balance the needs of stakeholders and your customers. After all, the font you choose is one of the first things people see when they look at your brand. Here are key traits to look for when choosing a font library.
The 4 most important considerations when choosing a font for website or app launches.
Launching a website or app? Your font choice is key to your success. Here’s how to assess the legibility, consistency, performance, and longevity of your font choice.
How an increased focus on digital transformation has changed customer branding expectations.
Today’s designers are faced with a multitude of new challenges when it comes to designing for a digital world. Customers expect constant communication, have short attention spans, and expect brands to keep up with emerging technology. Learn about the branding challenges to advance your digital strategy and forge ahead.
Are free fonts worth the headache?
Designers who have encountered issues with low-res legibility or missing glyphs understand the value of high-quality typefaces sourced from established designers and foundries. However, many non-creatives don’t see the point in paying for fonts. How many creatives have heard the words “just get something free” at some point in their career?