5 Features that make font management a breeze.

Have you just had a font problem fall into your lap, and you’re looking at how to solve it? It’s confusing, we get it. Whether it’s administering font licenses, issues with file storage, or redundant back and forth to grant user access… With so many opportunities for something to go wrong, unclear font management can cause some serious headaches. Bet you wish you had a personal assistant to help keep track of it all.
Here’s how Monotype Fonts can be that assistant – by consolidating all those tedious admin tasks into one simple, user-friendly hub that every font user at your organization can navigate with ease. Let’s go over 5 key font management features that set Monotype Fonts apart:
Command center.
You’re here, so we’re guessing that means you don’t have as much visibility as you’d like into which fonts are being used and where. Not being in control can leave you feeling like you’re drowning, and you’re not alone!We’ve made it our mission to remedy that, by making it possible for brands like yours to know what’s going on in real-time. Monotype Fonts is a font command center from which you can instantly see what fonts are in use and in production, who has access to them, and who’s using and sharing what. You can organize your fonts in nested font folders, font lists, web projects, and digital ad campaigns, making things much clearer for your designers and freelancers. Furthermore, we’ll do the heavy lifting for you by streamlining font licensing and giving you a central hub where you can issue access to those who need it.
Centralizing your font management ensures your workflows aren’t interrupted, whilst eliminating extraneous hassle and genuine risks further down the line. Storing all your fonts through one platform means there’s never any doubt for you or your creatives in terms as to what they can use, when and where.
Seamless user management.
If you’re looking into a font management tool, we’re guessing you’re having some issues keeping on track of how your creative teams can access the files they need. This in turn probably means you’re wasting precious time on tasks that really shouldn’t be a problem, adding more pressure to your teams, from the creatives all the way to IT.With Monotype Fonts You can give access to files straight from the platform, track usage, and if needed, remove access once a project is completed (for example, when working with freelancers or outside agencies). The platform is designed to make your life easier: all you need to do is onboard your team members and set them up in the system. There is no need for extra maintenance or constant monitoring. Our SSO integration allows your team to have a single sign-on, so there’s also no need wait on IT to set up individual logins for every new user or constantly issue permissions in the backend.
Importing and syncing fonts.
When it comes to fonts, organization is key and being able to manage them efficiently is vital. The platform lets you import and manage font files purchased outside of Monotype Fonts, which means you can have one centralized font folder and manage them all from one place, helping you stay in control and remain compliant.Now, having all your fonts in one place is good, but it’s equally important to ensure your designers can have access to the fonts they need where they need them most. When a font is missing in a design program, designers must interrupt their work to replace it, meaning projects can’t meet deadlines and admin gets involved. Through our Monotype Fonts app, your designers can sync the fonts they need to use to the design application they’re working with in just a few clicks. The sync functionality is compatible with the major design programs available, with more added regularly:
• Adobe Photoshop CC — Mac & Windows, versions 19 - 21
• Adobe InDesign CC — Mac & Windows, versions 19 - 21
• Adobe InCopy CC — Mac & Windows, versions 19 - 21
• Adobe Illustrator CC — Mac & Windows, versions 19 - 21
• Adobe Acrobat — Mac & Windows, version Pro 2020
• Sketch — Mac, version 70-71
• Keynote — Mac, version 11.1
This means that you have a fully rounded management tool, following the design journey from finding a font and licensing it, all the way through to putting it to use in a design.- Roles and responsibilities.
Constantly having to reissue permissions for font files, not really knowing who has access to what, and having no clear visibility on how files are being used. Does that sound familiar? A s an administrator in Monotype Fonts, you can go in, assign specific roles to any given team member, and even configure what access they have. For instance, you could grant a freelancer access to a curated font list, but not to your entire folder. You’re in control, and workflows can flow seamlessly.
Company tags
Finding the perfect font for your different projects is a challenge. Especially if your teams are navigating a library like Monotype Fonts’ with over 150,000 options to choose from. We’ve added tags public tags to the library to help you navigate the library and find the one (or ones) more easily! But it’s not just a question of navigation, is it? Keeping on top of what fonts should be used and what campaigns they’re destined for can a nightmare – especially if you’re working with multiple teams or outside agencies. We made things easy for you: you can simply add a personalized tag to the fonts you’re working with to make it immediately clear what can and should be used, where and when. This is turn will make tracking which fonts you have in production a breeze. And just to be super clear, these are private tags and as such are only visible to the people you have given access to.From an admin perspective, Monotype Fonts offers a robust font management solution, providing real-time visibility, seamless user management, easy importing and syncing of fonts, role-based access control, and simplified navigation through personalized tags. It’s a personal assistant, available all the time, ready and able to help with all your font-related tasks, helping you streamline tasks, enhancing collaboration, and ensuring efficient workflows for your teams.