Guidelines for the Representation of Monotype Imaging Inc. Products and Technologies

Company Name

The correct company name is Monotype Imaging Inc. On first references in documents and materials, the full company name must be used. On subsequent references, “Monotype” can be used.

Monotype Logo

The company logo consisting of the name Monotype  should be placed in a prominent position in all product packaging, advertising, marketing collateral and promotional materials that include Monotype products. The company logo may not be incorporated or used with any other name, logo, or icon in a manner that creates a composite logo. The Monotype logo must not be distorted, rotated or reversed. The color of the logo graphic may not be altered.

Monotype Imaging Trademarks

Appropriate trademark use and designation is required in all product packaging, advertising, marketing collateral, promotional materials, Web pages and press releases that include the Monotype logo or products licensed from Monotype. Monotype trademarks must be used in a manner such that each trademark creates a separate and distinct impression from any other party’s trademark(s).

An appropriate generic term must always appear after the trademark in printed or Web-based communications materials.

When indicating trademarked names in materials distributed only in the United States, include the appropriate ™ or ® symbol on every mention of the trademarked product name. When using the trademarks in materials distributed outside the United States, do not include the registered trademark (®) mark. Instead, use the trademark symbol (™) and include the appropriate trademark attribution notice, for example: Monotype is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Monotype Trademark Citations

Monotype is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc. registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions. The Monotype logo is a trademark of Monotype Imaging Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

Proper use of Trademarks

Trademarks are to be used as singular adjectives for modifying nouns. The noun is the generic name of the product or service.

 MicroType® font compression technology from Monotype Imaging works with the UFST® font rendering subsystem to significantly reduce font file sizes.
Incorrect:   MicroType® works with UFST® to significantly reduce font file sizes.
Correct:  The ITC Bookman® typeface family is from the ITC® typeface library.
 ITC Bookman® is from ITC®

An appropriate generic term must always appear after the trademark in printed or Web-based communications materials.