Sina Otto.
Creative Type Director.

In her words.

« The character of typefaces can vary as much as that of people: some are serious, others cheerful, they can be inconspicuous or even very expressive. You can also find a friend for life among them. »

Sina Otto es directora creativa de tipografía de Monotype en la oficina de Berlín. En este puesto, hace uso de sus amplios conocimientos para asesorar a marcas y agencias sobre la identidad de marca y la tipografía. Antes de incorporarse a Monotype, trabajó como creativa independiente con agencias y editoriales de renombre en Berlín, Milán y Zúrich, entre otras ciudades.

Sina is part of the Art Directors Club and has been part of the ADC jury several times. She studied communication design and typography in Mainz, Germany, and in Exeter, UK. She also attended type design classes in Potsdam.
Her love for type design extends to the digital realm, she often likes to pick up a brush and experiment with different tools, techniques, and other media. Apart from typography, Sina loves to read and has another creative passion, which is dancing.